Hello, imaginary friends. In penance for a slow down in posting recently, I present an assortment of imagery for your visual enjoyment.
The university grounds have been home to a variety of artistic installations over the last month for the Perth Arts Festival. As part of the Dialogues with Landscape one artist arranged groups of trees and plants, each snuggled into its own sleeping bag. Apparently each circle represents a discipline within the university.

Something tells me this is the Humanities group.

Nobody matches. And someone is really into cartoons.

The above photographs record pretty much my only excursion in the last fortnight. A lot of working has been occurring.
You might think staying home + work = no shopping for loot. You would be mistaken. The 2K Games store is having a sale. My self-gifts arrived in the mail yesterday. Surprise: they are all BioShock related.
This is "1959" by Craig Mullins:

And this is "Subject Delta" by Boris Vallejo:

Very nice. I also scored a couple of posters based on in-game advertisements in BioShock.

The sale is still on, so you can check it out here if you like. Be warned: international postage is very expensive. But everything is half price so I think it works out. Maybe.
Anyway, here endeth shameless nerdy gloating.
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